How to help a wheelchair user into a chair

If you’re a carer looking after someone who uses a wheelchair, knowing the correct way to assist them into and out of their chair can be tricky. Wheelchairs can be unwieldy and awkward to move in and out of, especially if you’re unsure of the best way to lift and settle a friend or family member who needs assistance.

Not knowing the right techniques to use can result in injury to the wheelchair user or to yourself, so it’s crucial to understand how to lend a hand safely before attempting to do so.

Read on to find out how you can help a wheelchair user into a chair quickly, securely and comfortably.

Prepare the chair

It’s crucial to ensure that the chair is ready for the person to sit in it before you begin to move someone. Never try to adjust the chair when you’re already bearing a person’s weight, instead ensure that the chair is in the right position before you start.

Flip up the armrests and swing out the footrests, or even remove them entirely, to prevent clothing snagging or any injury to the wheelchair user or yourself.

Stand the wheelchair level or slightly lower than where you are moving your friend or family member from, facing you.

Most importantly, make sure the wheelchair brakes are on and that the chair is totally stable.

Lift safely

Before you can help a wheelchair user into a chair, you need to be aware of several factors as well as the correct way to lift them.

Make sure you know how heavy your friend or family member is, and that you’re strong enough to lift them single-handedly and for long enough to safely seat them in the chair.

You should be in an area with plenty of room to manoeuvre, with no obstacles in the way or anything you could trip over or slip on. Your clothing and footwear is also important; ensure there is nothing you’re wearing that could catch or become tangled and that your shoes allow complete stability.

Check that your friend or family member is happy to be lifted and let them know what you’re going to do before you do it.

When you come to lift, make sure your feet are planted and that you keep the weight of your friend or family member as close to your body as possible. Lift smoothly, with your back straight and your knees bent.

Make them comfortable

Lower your friend or family member into the wheelchair slowly and steadily, making sure they are fully seated in the chair, not perched on the edge.

If they are able to stand and lower themselves into the chair, stand behind it and hold on to the handles to make sure it doesn’t move.

Once they are seated, swing the footrests back into place, minding their legs, and fold the footplates back down. If need be, help your friend of family member to put their feet on the footplates with their heels well back.

Before moving the wheelchair, ask your friend or family member to place their hands in their lap or more importantly, away from the wheels so that they cannot catch in the spokes. Make sure their elbows are not sticking out to a point where they could be caught when moving through doorways.

Above all, check that the person you are assisting is calm and relaxed, and happy to receive help.

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